You do not need to apply for this funding. We will use existing . If you are on a low income, you may be eligible for a reduction in council tax. In certain circumstances you may be entitled to a reduction or discount. You will still be liable to pay your water and waste water charges as these are not included in council tax reduction. Feb If you think you may be entitled to a council tax discount or that your property is exempt, you can apply online.

Check if you should pay less council tax or none at all. You will see more information and be able to apply for money off your bill. Please use this form to apply for council tax discounts that are not related to income.
For more information, please read these. If you are the only adult in your property you get a discount on your council tax. This discount does not apply if the house . Single person discount. Council tax discounts and exemptions for students. If there are two or more adults in a property no discount is allowed.

Certain people will be disregarded when calculating the council tax bill. There are also discounts available for people with disabilities. How to apply and who can get a reduction. Please complete the single person occupier discount application form to claim.
When looking at the number of adults living in a property . Register or sign in for a better experience. The discount applies after deducting any other discounts or disregards that may apply. Student discount or exemption. Apply now Upload your documents . Jump to I have moved to a new address but not yet sold my old. To get an exemption or discount you must download and complete the relevant application form or . You can claim council tax.
On these pages you will find information about how you can apply for discounts or exemptions and how to appeal against your council tax bill. You may be eligible for a discount if your property: Has sole or single . Once we have your details, we can consider whether the discount applies. If it does apply we will send out a new bill which takes into account any money you have . To do this click on . The full council tax bill for a property assumes that it is the main home of two adults. Information on council tax discounts if you are on a low income including how to apply , submit evidence, appeal a decision, request a review and deduction .
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